pp108 : Viewing Loaded Archive Details

Viewing Loaded Archive Details

This topic describes the procedure to view the log details and the import details of loaded archives.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the Process Administrator role in Process Platform Business Process Engine application package to view the loaded archive details.


  1. In My Applications palette in CUSP, double-click (Restore Process Instances). The Restore Process Instances - Restore archived process instances page appears displaying the log and import details of loaded archives.
  2. Select an archive from the list of loaded archives. The Archive Details and the Import Details tabs for the selected archive are displayed on the right pane.
  3. Click the Archive Detailstab to view the log details for the selected archive. The following information is displayed.



    Instance Count

    The number of records archived.

    Database source

    The database server from which the archive was created.

    Machine Name

    The name of the host.


    The version of the product form which the archive was generated.

    Triggered User

    The user who triggered the archive.

    Triggered At

    The time at which the archive was triggered.

    End Time

    The time at which the execution of the archive policy ended.

  4. Click the Import Detailstab to view the import details for the selected archive. The following information is displayed.



    Loaded By

    The details of the user who loaded the archive.


    Click this button to unload the archive file.

    Last Modified

    The date on which the archive was last modified.


    The state of the loaded archive.


    Click this button to resume the import process.

Related tasks

Defining an Archive Policy
Activating or Deactivating an Archive Policy
Triggering an Archive Policy
Loading an Archive